Ships interior instalation
Ships interior instalation
JSC Izoton has many years of expierence in ship interior instalation. We can offer these services related with ship interior:
- We can supply and install B-15 class door, fire resistant wall and ceiling panels for all living and public spaces in any type of vessels;
- We can supply and install various type of furniture for PAX and crew areas, galley, public spaces. Also we can supply and install wheelhouse consoles, window boxes for accommodation and wheelhouse.
- We can deliver and install wet unit cabins;
- We can be of service in floating floor mounting, floor leveling, tiling, PVC, Amtico and epoxy flooring installation;
- Installation services for restaurants, bars and other public areas in cruise and passenger vessels.
Mus rasite adresu:
Tilžės g. 60-300, LT-91108 Klaipėda, Lietuva

Company ID: 301741546
VAT code: LT 100004551415
Address: Tilzes str. 60-300, LT-91108 Klaipeda, Lithuania
Bank account: LT417044060006424058
Bank: AB SEB bank
SWIFT code: CBVILT2X, Bank code: 70440